As a theoretical computer science researcher, I work in the intersection of Combinatorics and Algorithms. Recently I have also delved into research in Sequence labelling and Machine Translation in NLP.

During my PhD, I was fascinated by Combinatorics and Algorithms. I studied various problems related to Intersecting families. I proposed problems like Bisecting families, Induced Bisecting families and System of Unbiased Representatives which got published in reputed TCS journals like Discrete Mathematics and Discrete Applied Mathematics. As the last problem in my thesis, I initiated study on Fractional Intersecting families, which has led a series of researchers working on related problems, with each result published in Journals like EJC,JOC etc.

With my PhD student Tusar, we worked in the direction of low resource NLP, especially Sequence labelling. We studied problems like POS tagging, NER, Chunking, compared classical models with recent models and obtained state of the art results using Pre-Trained Transformers.

With my PhD student Abir, we studied inticracies of hand gesture recognition and classification. We proposed various models using Alexnet, Googlenet, VGGnet, Inception, YOLO architetures and integrated the models to perform real time tasks like controlling a media player or playing a video game.

With my PhD student Sudhansu, we started work on low resource machine translation for Indian languages. We compared statistical models with recent neural models and designed systems that can translate either in INDIC-ENGLISH and vice versa or INDIC-INDIC directions. We obtained state of the art results in terms of BLEU scores.


Bisecting families, Fractional Intersecting families, Almost Intersecting families.

Sequence Labelling

POS Tagging, NER, Chunking for Odia.

Machine Translation

Indian-English translation, Indian-Indian translation.


Gesture controlled applications and devices.

Research Profiles

DBLP scholar orcid

Externally Funded Projects (Ongoing)


Design and Development of E-learning Platform for Assisting Underprivileged (SC/ST) school students in Rourkela Region, Odisha by converging Cable TV Network and Broadband Technology

MEITY, Government of India

Project Duration: 2020 - 2024

Project Cost: INR 38.808 Lakhs


Almost Intersecting Families

SERB, Government of India

Project Duration: 2024 - 2027

Project Cost: INR 06.60 Lakhs


Startup Grant

NIT Rourkela

Project Duration: 2018 - 2021
